Who We Are
Wood County Area Ministries (WAM) is an interfaith network, built on the foundation of Christ’s love for everyone regardless of their circumstances.
What We Do
WAM helps those who are experiencing a critical short term need. WAM helps by referring individuals and families to agencies and organizations that are able to provide ongoing support and assistance. WAM may also be able to help those who are in a short term crisis financial situation. Most typically, help is provided for those who need help with overdue housing or utility bills.
How WAM is Funded
All funding for WAM comes from donations from area churches, faith-based organizations and individuals. WAM receives no government funding.
Why WAM Helps
As people of faith, we understand that we are called to love God’s people, particularly those who are hurting or in need. The purpose of the network is to bring together the many resources of local churches to meet the needs of our neighbors, and through service, build relationships. We hope that through this collaboration, we can serve as living examples of God’s love, improve communication between ministries, reduce duplication of services, identify new resources, and break down barriers that prevent people from getting the help they need.
Assistance is provided without requirement of church participation or repayment. This assistance is a free gift. We desire to build life giving and loving relationships with all God’s children with no strings attached.